Numbers VS Numbers JUVENTUS | WAS

Despite football leagues’ constant fight against  discrimination in the stadiums, sadly, racism is a societal issue that transcends the field. 

For the “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”, Juventus showed how big the problem actually is, matching the most shocking data about racial discrimination with the numbers on Juventus stars’ back, during an official Serie A match.​​​​​​​

Before the game we collected the data and matched it with every player’s number. The special jerseys were printed  and  shared with  the  Juventus  community. On the 21st of March, the first teams took them to the field, to  bring  the  message  to  the  media's  attention. At the end of the match, we communicated the whole operation through a video on Juventus’ social channels. .​​​​​​​

Numbers VS Numbers JUVENTUS | WAS